It shouldn’t be hard to answer the call of the wild, to become fully immersed in the outdoors and be prepared for whatever nature throws at you. Here at Ace Camp, our mission is to deliver outdoor enthusiasts the gear that becomes the catalyst that gets you out there.The experience is everything, and we’re here to make it easier for you to have those unforgettable adventures.
We understand that it’s essential to trust your equipment. Quality has been our number-one priority since Ace Camp was established internationally in 2000. Since that time, we’ve been manufacturing high-quality products for reasonable prices for a broad range of outdoor activities. With over 200 products in our line of camping equipment and emergency preparedness gear, we outfit customers around the world for adventures close to home or far-away. Even when roughing it, certain necessities can elevate a decent outing to the trip of a lifetime.
In 2012 we moved operations to the outdoor mecca of Salt Lake City as a base to pioneer new products and better serve the American market. Our state of the art facility guarantees that you get your order fast and on time. Now all you have to worry about is which adventure you’re planning on next.

Purchased the kettle due to its larger size. Really is faster than my "standard" kettle heating the same volume of water; about 30% faster just like they said. Seems to stay warm longer too but I have not measured that. Handle stays cool to the touch. Durable and solid enough for any camping use yet compact and lightweight.
The kettle is a good product overall, it is easy to carry around when camping or backpacking, and works well. I can't tell how much cooking time its design actually shaves off, but it seems pretty fast in boiling water. I especially like how compact it is, while allowing up to 1.5 liters capacity. For preparing coffee or tea, or ready-to-eat, just-add-water foods, it's a great thing to have on the trail. This one certainly seems to do the job, at a pretty good price.
I just gave it a test run before vacation. Used 1L of tap water. Steam in 6 Minutes, boil in 10. No leaks and didn't deform when hot. Recommend it!
Used it for several days on a camping trip. Always heated it on a wood-fire grill. Withstood heat greatly and really maintained heat for a long time. Might purchase the propane grill to go with it.
I purchased this kettle for heating water for coffee while camping. I used it directly on the wood of a burning campfire as well as on top of a portable propane grill. It handled the heat of the direct fire excellently, held its shape without issue and heated the water quickly. Awesome little kettle!
I love it! It's the right amount of water and it's not a long wait for the water to heat up.
Works great! Adorable, heavy duty, fits perfectly over our camping stove to get water boiled for coffee, tea, or cocoa in under 10 minutes! Makes enough for two adult size mugs with a bit leftover.
Great for camping when you need more than 2 cups of coffee.
Way smaller than I thought it would be. Otherwise pleased with this, I used it on our camp stove and have used it directly on the campfire and has held up well.
Awesome boil time. Exactly what I was looking for.
Looks and works great! Surprising how quickly it brings the water to the boil! Great product.
It boils water super fast!! It's also easy to pour without making a mess, and it doesn't seem to discolor after use.
I use this with a little backpacking stove. It took about 10min to boil, but when it boiled, it really boiled. Water stayed pretty warm for about 30min. The lid could fit a bit tighter, but overall it's great. This does not whistle when the water boils, so you have to be able to hear it or look inside.
Heats quickly, the handle doesn’t heat up, and holds enough water for 4-5 medium sized cups of coffee/tea.
Worked great! The size and shape took minimal space in my gearbox and it was able to pump out more than enough hot water for washing dishes and making hot drinks.