It shouldn’t be hard to answer the call of the wild, to become fully immersed in the outdoors and be prepared for whatever nature throws at you. Here at Ace Camp, our mission is to deliver outdoor enthusiasts the gear that becomes the catalyst that gets you out there.The experience is everything, and we’re here to make it easier for you to have those unforgettable adventures.
We understand that it’s essential to trust your equipment. Quality has been our number-one priority since Ace Camp was established internationally in 2000. Since that time, we’ve been manufacturing high-quality products for reasonable prices for a broad range of outdoor activities. With over 200 products in our line of camping equipment and emergency preparedness gear, we outfit customers around the world for adventures close to home or far-away. Even when roughing it, certain necessities can elevate a decent outing to the trip of a lifetime.
In 2012 we moved operations to the outdoor mecca of Salt Lake City as a base to pioneer new products and better serve the American market. Our state of the art facility guarantees that you get your order fast and on time. Now all you have to worry about is which adventure you’re planning on next.

We have been looking for a replacement for the one my husband bought many years ago. So glad to have found this. Nothing else comes close to this simple, lightweight design.
Great for seeing what you have quickly. Slides in and out of the purse or pocket easily. I do not use it for watertightness so cannot address that. I also like it because it's so lightweight.
Happy with this product. I bought this as I was headed on a dive trip. I found I really liked this for my constant use, especially at the airport. It is just the right size for getting cards in and out easily. I highly recommend this.
I was expecting this to fit in a wallet but it is a wallet.
I bought these for my father that works in landscaping and lots of yard work. The weather here in the south is always rainy. So he loved it. I tried it myself. Kept inside the pool for several hours just to make sure. And I did not find any problems with it. As long as you seal it tightly with your fingers you'll be fine.
Inexpensive and functional. Tough to use if you have long fingernails but it does what it is supposed to do. Keep stuff dry.
I'm in construction and needed a waterproof wallet. I've used this for a couple of months now and it hasn't ripped or leaked. I'd say that's a win.
Feels durable and did the trick of keeping necessities dry during a Vegas trip.
It’s a great thin wallet for someone who doesn't like to have a bulky wallet in his pocket. I gave it as a gift and he loved it!
Just what I needed for my multiple fishing licenses.